Monday, November 21, 2011

ROFL - It's NOT just me!!!

I fell out of my chair laughing, and Jim laughed out loud as well.

This is the message we got from Ron yesterday (Kodi's dad):

The “no-pull harness and 4 point leash” are fantastic. He has become a joy to walk. Even when startled by deer he is in total control, so much so that Joan is no longer afraid to walk him. The connection at the front coupled with the tensioning on the back connection is a wonderful training aid without any yanking on his neck. Having had a compression fracture of my neck from wrestling and the resulting fusion I am very sensitive about yanking a dog around by the neck especially when they are in a full force lunge. He has learned “hold, stay, around, sit, heel and go,go,go free dog” so well that – here is the good part:  Now that I have such a well-trained obedient dog, why not just walk him on a regular harness?

Well, here are several reasons why not to. Wet pavement covered in pine needles, walking downhill on wet pavement covered in pine needles, wet grass covered in pine needles on hill next to road covered in pine needles, person on road walking a Chihuahua with a bright red coat that starts barking at us. Estrela Mountain Dog named “Kodi the obedient one” explodes and launches into the air and master,  sensing the fact that “the obedient one” is much faster than he is and is heading toward a serious face plant tries the anchor approach of dropping to the ground on his knees to slow “the obedient one”. End result, the master is flipped over on his back and is drug across the hill for about 10 yards before “the obedient one” stops and looks back wondering why the master was on his back shouting nasty words at him.

Back to the “no-pull harness and 4 point leash”.

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