Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

As it is not too early to start planning for Christmas, I thought I would go ahead and send you a letter.

First, I would like to thank you again for last year's present. My puppy is amazing!  She is not only a giant furball of love, but is also keeping me physically fit and intellectually stimulated.

With last year's gift in mind, this year could you please bring me a Dyson DC23 Animal Canister? And a steam mop? (One for all hard surfaces, to include hard wood floors, of course.)

Much appreciated.

Now, may I offer you a suggestion?

Have you ever considered having the elves merge with the Dyson and/or Oreck Corporations so that with every gift of a pet, they could also make and include an appropriate cleaning appliance? Just a thought.

Along those same lines, my gift requests for the next few years are as follows:

- 2012:  a boyfriend to visit Zuzu and a carpet steamer
- 2013:  another kitten and a Dyson cordless
- 2014:  another Estrela and a new Dyson upright
- 2015:  a tortoise
- 2016:  another kitten and a lifetime supply of swiffer sheets

Thank you again, and enjoy the holidays!



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