Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Last Saturday we went down to the Occoquan National Park.  It was a nice, long walk with the dogs.  Some along the river, part of the time up in the woods.  It was the first 'almost' cool morning that we had had in months, so it was fun!

On the way back, there were more people, but I stepped away to grab a picture of the dogs and Jim near the water with my phone.

It's a good thing Estrelas like babies!

This little one ran right up to the dogs and gave them hugs and kisses!  Even crazy Zuzu seems to know that she needs to be gentle around little ones.  The dad (with him) told us that the mom is a veterinarian, so the child loves animals.

Zee was super tolerant as well.  We only let him pet them for a  couple minutes before we went on our way.

And yes, Zee jumped into the water, while Zu barely got her paws wet.

And this was Zee on the way home....one happy, happy, dog!!

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