Monday, March 28, 2011

Puppy Class

I just have to brag. Again. My puppy ROCKS!

We worked on stay and come sit this weekend, which Jim and I have been working on all week. With steak. If you want a dog to stay forever and come when called and sit properly... try using steak. I think Zuzu would do backflips, if that's what it took, to get Jim's grilled steak. Heck, I know I would!

We didn't know that that was the next lesson, so we weren't intentionally cheating.  Honest!

Anyway, when it was our turn to "try" it with our dog, and we went last, it really did look like we were showing off.

I stood up, motioned for Zu to sit - plunk - held up my hand and said stay - butt magnet holding firmly - walked to the end of the six foot leash and said 'come' - trot trot trot - made the sit movement with my hand - plunk - made the flat palm down movement from standing, without bending over or anything (hee hee, yup, really just showing off here) and she laid right down.  The room was silent.  The trainer looked up and actually said, "Now class, with lots and lots of practice, some day, your dogs could all behave as well as Zuzu."

Now if I could only get her to behave that well in the park, with other dogs and kids around, I'd be golden.


  1. If you don't stop it, you are going to give people the idea that hundreds of years of breeding, and all the 'books' are wrong, that Estrela are really obedient and eager to please! Echo says for his sister to stop showing off. :-)

  2. Yeah - I totally jinxed myself too! Tell Echo that his sister listened to his advice. :)

  3. He feels much better now I'm sure, he destroyed the rug on my porch. This boy can shred a rug and it looks like a lawnmover did the damage.
