My dogs are behaving like children this morning.
Zuzu has marbles in her head. They are rolling around and knocking together and preventing her from thinking, listening, and obeying. And as they roll around and bang into each other, the changing weight distribution is causing her to ping erratically around the house.
Zee is being a baby and is having fun trying to get Zuzu in trouble.
Scenario One, as I walk around the corner -
Zuzu: Bark! Bark! Bark! Bite! (And she has her teeth around Zee's neck)
Zee: Wimper! Help me, mommy! She is soooo mean! (Runs to me, leans on me, gives Zuzu a dirty look then looks up at me with adoring eyes)
Scenario Two, as I sneak quietly around the corner -
Zuzu: Bark! Bark! Bark! (Zee is walking around Zuzu, putting his neck in her mouth. Zuzu eventually takes the bait and begins to chew)
Zee: Wimpers and looks up at me as if he's being tortured.
Scenario Three, as I give them a rope toy -
Zee: Growl, growl, GRROOOWWWLLLL! Don't take my toy. (As he's running and swinging it by Zuzu's face and mouth, back and forth in front of her)
Zuzu: Takes Toy (They tug and wrestle a bit, tails wagging. Zu eventually gets the toy away from Zee.)
Zee: Wimpers ands runs over to me. She is sooo mean to me, Mommy!
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