I tend to see everything as a training opportunity. Some, training for the dog. Some, training for me.
When it was time for the bus to come home today, Zuzu wanted out, so I put on her collar and leash and we went out into the front yard so that she could do her business. When she finished, the bus pulled up, so we sat in the driveway and we waited for the girls. She was very good! She did a good, but wiggly, sit-stay, and didn't move until the girls were standing over her greeting her. We all went into the house and played some more.
Later in the day, just before dark, there was a break in the rain so we went out again. I didn't put her choke chain back on because we were just going to head out for a second to pee. After Zu had again done her business, I looked up the street and noticed a teenage boy riding down the street on a skate board with his lab on a leash running behind. I started bringing Zuzu back towards the house, but I wasn't worried. This would be another great training opportunity.
I was mistaken.
As soon as the boy got near us, Zuzu took off running. Without her choke chain on, I had no leverage other than my body weight to hold her in place. I was ready for the pull and I had a great hold on the leash. So great, that when she bolted, I hung on like a champ as she ran across the yard and down the hill with me on my belly dragging behind her!
The yard slopes down towards the street, and the grass was wet, so it was a nice quick ride down to the sidewalk, where I slowed down. I think that was the first time that Zuzu realized I wasn't sprinting behind her. She stopped when I slowed down and looked back at me like, "What are you doing, mom?" She actually looked concerned. (Or maybe that's just me being hopeful.) She turned around and licked me until I was back on my feet, then tried to bolt again.
This time I managed to pull her back and grab her collar and drag her by her collar and ear back to the front door.
When we got inside, she ran for a second, then realized that I wasn't playing and laid down in her hypnotize pose as I scolded her. Then she followed me around giving me little kisses for the rest of the night. She even slept in my room last night.
When I called Jim to tell him the story (he's doing the business trip thing), he truly laughed out loud and said we need to start keeping the video camera out and pointed at Zuzu all the time!
Her walk this morning went fine, and she only pulled a little when she saw a dog that she wanted to meet. Of course I had her choke chain on today, so a small pull from her and a quick snap from me prevented any other antics.
The morale of the story....it appears that both the dog AND the human need a little more training!
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