In my defense, like a week ago, I did write a really long blog with pictures and everything and then I hit this "delete" key thing and, oops, blog all gone. Bummer. So here we go again.
The crate training is continuing, and Zuzu's doing fine. I keep her toys and rawhides in it and she will wander in to grab them without looking like it's going to eat her. She has even been closed in it occasionally, but not yet left unattended. We stay in the living room with her and let her out after 5 or 10 minutes. The goal is to have her be comfortable in it in the event that we board her or bring her to a show. I doubt we will ever leave her in it when we are gone again. She has even been given free roam of the house at night now, and usually chooses to sleep on the main floor in the entryway, guarding us well.

Zuzu is still not a fan of the water. She loves walking and will go around the lake and down by the water, but even when Jim took her off the leash and threw a stick they had been playing with into the lake, she just looked up at him like WTF did you just do that for? And watched longingly as the stick floated away. Silly puppy! She needs another dog to jump into the water, to see that it's okay.
Towards the end of summer, we had a week where it did nothing but rain. Zuzu still got her morning walks, but the backyard turned into a river and was closed to dogs. She was NOT a happy pooch.
The rain stopped and she was so happy! Then the worst thing ever happened. Big loud yellow things started driving by and stealing all of the children. It was horrible! She didn't know what to do with herself. She quickly learned though, that later in the day when the big loud yellow things started driving by again, that they would give all of the children back. Happy Happy Joy Joy!!
I swear I used to fit through these darn things. When did they shrink? Hello? Is anyone there? Let me in!!!!!
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