The Crate: It's going okay. Our kitchen table was finally delivered, so the crate is now in the living room next to my computer. She does not like it one bit! She'll still eat out of it, but she's mad that the table is in "her room" and she doesn't understand why we eat there and she won't leave us alone. I still have one door completely off the crate, and we now call it "crate", not "home". So, when she goes into it for a treat it's "good crate", not "go home". She is still doing fine with being left home alone with no supervision, fingers still crossed!
The Vet: She had her first vet visit in Virginia last Thursday and she was a wreck. She threw up both ways in the van. She fought me tooth and nail getting weighed. She hid behind Tressa in the exam room. She sat on the thermometer. She was rotten! The vet said she looks fine though, and she's not in heat. Yay - I still have that to look forward to!!
Once the exam was over, she was fine. She let me weigh her (about 78 lbs), and she wandered nicely around the store with us. She even fell asleep on the way home and didn't wake up to puke again until we were in the garage. I think that one surprised even her.
This was our last visit under the Banfield puppy plan that I paid for when she was little, so I'll be searching for a new vet now. I'm thinking the one we can walk to!
The House: Zuzu is thoroughly enjoying helping us with the housework and yard work. She didn't like when I cleaned up the back yard, but she loved gathering the big sticks out of my neat pile and redistributing them. Her favorite improvement so far is under our back deck. I had it all blocked off before, because I was convinced that scary critters were hiding amongst the wood, bricks, leaves, and whatnot that the prior residents had stored under the deck. We cleaned the whole thing out and relayed the bricks, and now it's her favorite new cool napping spot. She liked helping me spread the sand between the bricks. Her help was to lay on the pile of sand that I was trying to spread out, perhaps flattening it for me? Luckily, there were no snakes or spiders under the debris, only a million crickets, some worms, and one really cute frog!

Before we moved in - May 2011
After much work - August 2011
Soccer, anyone? (See my log that I won't let Mommy throw away?)
I couldn't do this when I was a baby!
The collar: While at PetSmart, I made the investment on a citronella collar, but I got the manually operated one, not the bark operated one. I don't want her to be afraid to bark, I just want her to stop when the threat is gone. So far, it has worked super well! We put her "outside" collar on when she goes into the back yard, but after the first day, she has rarely let loose with her crazy non-stop bark. She will bark once or twice, then stop. This morning she got a little crazy when a neighbor dog started barking, but one spray on the lowest setting had her back to occasional barks again. As with all Zuzu training, just because it's working now does not mean it will work later. Only time will tell.
Next week we have our first big dog show. I can't wait!
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