Zuzu's new nickname last week was Zuzu the Destroyer. If she wasn't sleeping, she was destroying.
I began noticing her need for constant supervision early in the week, but I rarely let her out of my sight for any length of time, so it didn't strike me as too odd.
Then, I realized that NOTHING was safe around her anymore.
I woke up one morning, looked at my floor, and after my eyes adjusted, realized there were rope toy fragments covering most of it.
If I let her outside, she went straight into digging mode, or chewing on the bases of bushes, or rearranging the firewood pile to decorate the yard.
She turned the screen door on the porch into a doggy door - twice! Jim has given up on that repair until he can find some plexiglass. We may install an actual doggy door in the side of the porch.
Her favorite toy of all, Piggy, met it's demise one afternoon. Instead of the tossing and cuddles and slobbers that piggy normally got, she got all paws & teeth and ended up in pieces all over the living room carpet.
I immediately ran to PetSmart for more toys & rawhides. I was amazed how many toys say, "Not a Chew Toy." I got her super tough chew toys, "guaranteed to prevent boredom and the urge to chew". Hahaha! The collossal rope lasted two minutes before I had to take it away. She was shredding & eating it!
The plastic/rubber toys have worked better, as have the giant, braided rawhides. So far....knock on wood...I have only lost one plastic end cap to my bed frame. Oh, and some firewood & acorns.
This week seems to be going better. There are times when she's awake when she will watch out windows or cuddle or wrestle (without teeth) or just sniff around and explore.
I like this week better.
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