So, the question is, who is more ready to be settled, the animals or the humans?
The car rides:
Zuzu is now okay with long car rides. She still hates short ones, but seems to know when we're in it for the long haul and settles right down.
Koshka Kitty hates all car rides. In or out of her crate, long or short rides, any time of the day.
The only thing that makes car rides better is when Darby and Tressa are there. Darby scratches Koshka's head in the back of the car, while Tressa has Zuzu in the middle. The last trip (Florida to Virginia) the girls were in Alaska. No head scratches for the animals.
The people are DONE with car rides. Yuck.
The hotels:
Zuzu does not like hotels. Too many noises, smells, not enough room to play. She does like that she can get to Koshka and that Koshka seems to tolerate more puppy antics in a hotel room.
Koshka seems quite content in hotels. No cage, sometimes places to hide, shelves to climb, window sills to sit on. She even teases Zuzu some and rubs against her and lets her lick her on the head. Weird.
The people are DONE with hotels. Yuck.
Visiting Family in Nebraska:
Koshka liked Nebraska - she got to stay in the hotel. Refer to previous section for details.
Zuzu was okay with Nebraska. - A little freedom, some kids to play with, some walks. It was a little too hot for her tastes though, so she chose to come inside whenever she was allowed, where she had to behave. Behaving is boring!
The people had fun in Nebraska. Family is always fun!
Visiting Family in Florida:
Koshka was in heaven. An ENTIRE house to explore! She was one happy, happy cat, She thought we were done and got to stay forever.
Zuzu wasn't sure about Florida at first, because the house was not a puppy playground. She heard "No" a lot there. But, when Pop Pop taught her how to play tag around the big circle of the house that was the kitchen, living room, dining room, and entryway, she was so much better! Then, she learned to chase around the pool, and she got to run with a neighbor dog in the back yard a little. And once she discovered that the ocean wasn't going to eat her, she learned to love her walks there and playing in the water.
The people loved Florida. The people are going back to Florida as soon as possible and might never leave.
Virginia and the new house:
Hotel, house, hotel, house, hotel, house......we're all ready for that to be over!
Koshka is okay with Virginia so far. She is staying in the hotel. It has cool cupboards over the desk that she can hole up in. And a nightstand that she can fit under where the people couldn't find her for half an hour one morning. That was tons of fun for Koshka. Not so fun for the people. We won't bring her to the house until the furniture is delivered.
Zuzu is confused. The girls are not here, which makes her sad. The hotel is boring. The house is empty. She doesn't know what's going on, poor baby. We try to keep her with us whenever we can, which means short car rides. She ate through a seatbelt when we got out of the van for five minutes to pick up my car from the delivery truck. She could see us just outside and the doors were open, and she wanted OUT! That was a nice $300 we didn't budget for. Oops. She loves the new backyard when we're outside with her. There is a nice big fence and tons of shade trees to keep it cool. She hates when we're inside. My puppy, who used to beg to be outside even in the pouring rain, now sits at the back door and cries if we're not outside with her. She hates the stairs, but has learned to climb them to be near us. Last night, even though we were super tired, we took her to the dog park so that she could have fun. She was so happy! She ran and sniffed and played and sniffed and wandered and sniffed and ran some more.
The people are ready to have furniture and a home and have no more driving. The people are DONE with moving. Yuck.
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