Last week was Zuzu’s first vacation and she did great!

The hotel went great too. It was like she left all of her puppy-ness at home. We brought her crate for when we went down to the swimming pool, but the rest of the time she was with us. In the hotel, she would just lay down and watch what was going on, or take a nap. There was no eating of bedspreads or furniture, running, jumping, nipping, or any naughtiness whatsoever. The only misbehavior was a scary shadow (her own) that had to be put in its place with lots of barking!
She did slow us down while walking around the park though. Not by her pace, by the attention she drew. I think Zuzu got more attention from the other people in the park than the waterfalls did! Every 20 feet or so, we were stopped by people wanting to admire, pet, and learn all about our beautiful puppy! It was funny listening to Jim give the same explanation over and over and over again. I wish I had little information cards with the EMDAA website on it to pass out, so people could just look them up on their own. I’m not even sure how many times I spelled Estrela. “No, Estrela....E-S-T-R-E-L-A.”
The only weird thing that we learned about Zuzu and traveling, is she does not like to go to the bathroom in unfamiliar places. We could not get her to go at the rest area, and it took about four walks and a couple of hours to get her to pee at the hotel. She went from about 9:30 am until about 4:30 pm the first day, without doing anything! On the other days, other than first thing in the morning, each walk was a challenge. And she never went in the park, only at the hotel. I’m hoping she gets over that before our cross country trip this summer! I just can’t imagine how that could be comfortable for her at all.
Overall though, it was such a successful trip that I can’t wait to bring her everywhere we go from now on. I hope my family doesn’t mind big dogs in their homes when I visit!
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