Friday, April 29, 2011

Pretty Roses

Our roses are blooming and they're so pretty!

Zuzu loves to sit outside on the step next to the sliding glass door and the pretty roses.  Isn't she cute?

And so innocent!  A face like that could never do ANYTHING wrong when you turn your back on it.

Whatever do you mean, you see teeth marks?

I've been sitting here quietly the whole time!  I think it was the cat.

Boring Week

I suppose life with a puppy is never actually boring, is it?  So when I say boring, I only mean there were no really cute or humorous stories to report about.

Puppy training on Monday night went well. I was all bristled for the choke chain fight and was ready to defend my dog's neck fur with my life, but all of the trainers were fine with her martingale collar. Too easy!  And they even let us use treats for the come command since we weren't pulling their leashes this time. That made it much harder for her to stay though. Last week, she was all about the stay...why would I want to move if you have nothing for me?

Other than that, it's been a week of split personalities, but no momentous events.  I blame her teeth and our allergies/colds.

She has lost FIVE puppy teeth in one week - and those are just the ones I have found in the house! I don't blame her for being moody. And her chewing is kind of funny. It is constant (toys, sticks, her tail or paws, me) but I can tell her mouth is sore because her bite is so gentle that it's more of a gnaw. She has a giant bone that she's been working on for two weeks, and there are barely any teeth marks in it.

Plus, both Jim and I have been under the weather all week, so her walks and playing time have been irregular. In order to get our attention, she'll try anything from cuddling sweetly to growling and barking and biting (luckily softly). As I've been typing this on my iPhone this morning, she began cuddling nicely with me, then progressed to sitting nicely whenever I was scratching her neck or ear, to biting my hand as soon as my finger touched this screen! She can be a demanding "OUCH!" little shit sometimes!

Other antics included Jim putting all of the dirt back in the flower garden and it taking her less than a day to put it back the way she likes it, and her need to guard everything. (Though I have starting using her brother Kodi's command of 'enough' after she has alerted me of a threat, and that is at least distracting her into not barking for now). She is so very pleased with herself when she lets me know that there is a bird in the bushes or a PE class on the other side of the fence.

Or I suppose her antics could be explained as Darby so eloquently put it this morning in the kitchen as I was stepping around Zuzu and letting her sample the kids' lunch as I made it, "Mom, you spoil the crap out of her! I think even her crap is spoiled!"

And that's a 'boring' week with a puppy.

Sitting on my lap while I type.

Resting with Daddy on Tuesday evening.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Sorry about the length - it's about 15 minutes long.  But there is an awful lot of Zuzu cuteness in it, plus some pretty mountains and waterfalls.

My Sweetie

Cuteness personified!  

First, in her daily attempt to make friends with Koshka, she actually brought her her favorite inside toy (her stuffed froggy) and dropped it at the feet of the chair that Koshka was sitting on and just sat back, wagging her tail.  She looked from Koshka to the froggy and back, and nugged the froggy for Koshka and hopped back, wagging her tail.  Koshka just looked at her with her wide, yellow eyes, like, “What the heck, dog?!”
Later, I headed outside to do my morning Bible reading and drink my coffee.  I sat down on the porch furniture and gave a little whistle and Zuzu came bounding around the corner of the house and jumped into my lap on the chair and cuddled with me (and chewed my arm some) while I read.
Then, we played fetch, then she spent some time barking at the hosta that’s coming back up in the flower garden, right in her favorite afternoon napping spot.  She spent so much time clearing out the flower garden just like she wanted it, and now that evil hosta is popping right back up in the middle of it and it needs to be stopped! 

Cuddle Time

But I don't WANT to let go!
Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy!!

You will NEVER catch me!

The Evil Hosta
Mine mine mine Om nom nom!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Training Sans Treats

Zuzu is definitely a treat oriented pooch.  Training without treats is HARD!  It’s actual work!  Sigh.
We didn’t practice as much as we normally do between classes since we were on Spring Break last week.  There were lots of walks, but way more play time and exploring than training.
Last Monday’s class was going fine for the first 15 minutes.  Then I showed up with Tressa and all heck broke loose.  She got one glimpse of Tressa and went crazy, trying to jump out of the training ring to get to her.  Jim finally brought her over to say hi to us, hoping that it would calm her down, but it didn’t.  Poor Tressa decided to go read a book in the van in the parking lot so that we could continue with training.
That stopped Zuzu from trying to run away, but all hope of a good training session was pretty much lost.  We learned a lot of the same stuff as last week, and added ‘come’, ‘sit after the come’, and ‘heel from the front sit’ (which is just getting them to swing their butt around from sitting in front of you to sitting next to you.)  It was challenging.
At the end of the class, one of the trainers brought her German Shepherd out and demonstrated everything we had learned, but with no leash and only hand signals.  And no treats.  Really?  How bad do you want to make me feel?!  Then she promised that all of our dogs would be behaving by the end of the seven week session just like hers, but still on a leash.  Hmmmm.  
The training program has us using choke chains and snapping them.  We have stopped using it. First, it was actually cutting the hair off around her neck, making it only about an inch long where the chain snapped!  Second, it only seemed to truly irritate her instead of getting her to do anything. 
We practiced A LOT this week.  We took her out to Cuesta Park and Bubb School and anywhere where there were at least small distractions and went over and over the training.  Jim was out of town for three days, so I even had Darby and Tressa coming with me and taking their turns.  The first few days, I couldn’t even get her to sit!  It was so frustrating!  If I stopped walking and asked her to sit, she would just stand there and ignore me, sometimes completely turning away from me.
I learned by accident, that rather than snap the chain with your right hand and put your left on her side to prevent her from turning while sitting, if I placed my left hand gently on her face and had her look up at me while I said sit, her butt immediately hits the ground.  It’s like she was telling me that all I had to do was say, “Please.”
By Thursday, I could get her to do all of the commands for about five minutes, before her LOTADD set in.  (Lack of Treat Attention Deficit Disorder)  Then she would decide that it was time to play.  If I wanted her to sit, she would...but backwards!  If I tried to turn her around, she would chew my fingers and the leash and jump up on me!  We actually got into a wrestling match in the middle of the park!  I’m sure all of the walkers and joggers were thoroughly amused.  I know Zuzu was!  I. Was. Not.  We made it home, and we rested.
On Friday, I decided to try something different.  I had boiled some chicken for her dinner and brought out a handful of it to the backyard.  She could smell it and got all puppy wiggly and spinny, just waiting to have some.  I made her earn it.  I’ll be darned if that silly little dog didn’t obey every command that I threw at her, without a leash, to get that chicken!  She would heel - no matter how fast or slowly I was walking or jogging- stop on her own and sit when I stopped, lay down, stay, come, and sit.  She still doesn’t quite get the heel from a sit command, but for everything else she was as good as that German Shepherd.
This weekend we made sure that we brought treats everywhere we went.  We only gave them sparingly, still trying the training without them, but she definitely responds better when she knows they’re there.
Tomorrow, I have someone else driving Tressa to lacrosse.  Jim and I will both be at the training from beginning to end with no interruptions.  And, I am going to sneak in some treats in my pockets!

Monday, April 18, 2011



Zuzu finally got to come with us to her first lacrosse game!

We figured she would finally be able to sit with us and watch, and not be overwhelmed by all of the noises and people and kids, and she did fine.

It was an hour and a half away, and she seemed to forget all of the peaceful drives we had at Yosemite, so she panted and failed to relax for the trip to Petaluma, CA.  As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, she lost part of her breakfast.  It landed on towels (we still don't travel without them) so it was an easy fix, but I always feel bad when she throws up.

We fed her lunch to her one piece at a time throughout the first game, so her tummy was fine for the rest of the day.  Again though, she would not go to the bathroom anywhere in Petaluma.  Apparently Mountain View, CA, is the only approved puppy toilet for Zuzu.

I'm not sure she even noticed that the lacrosse game was going on.  I know she didn't know that Tressa was on the field, or there would have been whining.  When Tressa came up to us after the 2nd game, Zuzu went insane!  She was so excited to see her that she just couldn't control the jumpy puppy spins and aerobatics.  We couldn't even get her to walk back to the car until Jim laid her on the ground to calm her down for a minute.   She does love her Tressa!

She slept the whole way home with her head on Tressa's lap, and jumped out and peed in our front yard as soon as her feet hit the ground.  I sure hope Nebraska, Florida, and Virginia dirt will be okay with her as well, or it's going to be a really difficult summer!


I figured out why Zuzu was so well behaved on vacation.  She was just storing up all of her antics to use at home.
LOOK MOM!!  Look how far the toilet paper can reach across the house if I grab it with my teeth!
This garden hose?  This is the one you don’t want me to chew on?  Or drag across the yard?  Oops.
Fingers and toes and shirts are YUMMY!
Mom, if you don’t want the laundry all over the house, why did you leave it for me in one convenient location in a laundry bin with no lid?
HA!  Soda bottles fly REALLY high into the air when I grab them and throw them!
Flower garden?  What flower garden?  I killed that off weeks ago....why can’t I dig and throw dirt all over the patio?


Last week was Zuzu’s first vacation and she did great!
I was prepared for the trip.  Towels, toys, treats, food, garbage bags, paper towels, “Resolve for Pets”, a sponge, giant raw hides, you name it.  But, my puppy, who is not so fond of riding in the car, actually settled down and slept!  And as we were driving around the park, she would either nap, cuddle, or just sit up and look out the window.  It was so much better than the crying, pacing, throwing up, and peeing that we’ve had in the past.  SOOO much better!
The hotel went great too.  It was like she left all of her puppy-ness at home.  We brought her crate for when we went down to the swimming pool, but the rest of the time she was with us.  In the hotel, she would just lay down and watch what was going on, or take a nap.  There was no eating of bedspreads or furniture, running, jumping, nipping, or any naughtiness whatsoever.  The only misbehavior was a scary shadow (her own) that had to be put in its place with lots of barking!

She did slow us down while walking around the park though.  Not by her pace, by the attention she drew.  I think Zuzu got more attention from the other people in the park than the waterfalls did!  Every 20 feet or so, we were stopped by people wanting to admire, pet, and learn all about our beautiful puppy!  It was funny listening to Jim give the same explanation over and over and over again.  I wish I had little information cards with the EMDAA website on it to pass out, so people could just look them up on their own.  I’m not even sure how many times I spelled Estrela.  “No, Estrela....E-S-T-R-E-L-A.”
And Zuzu decided that she loves climbing, and she loves fresh, cold, mountain stream water.  If there was a stream that was flowing slowly enough and was shallow, Jim would let her drink from it and she would lap up gallons!  The water we brought for her and poured into her bowl, she would ignore.
The only weird thing that we learned about Zuzu and traveling, is she does not like to go to the bathroom in unfamiliar places.  We could not get her to go at the rest area, and it took about four walks and a couple of hours to get her to pee at the hotel.  She went from about 9:30 am until about 4:30 pm the first day, without doing anything!  On the other days, other than first thing in the morning, each walk was a challenge.  And she never went in the park, only at the hotel.  I’m hoping she gets over that before our cross country trip this summer!  I just can’t imagine how that could be comfortable for her at all.

Overall though, it was such a successful trip that I can’t wait to bring her everywhere we go from now on.  I hope my family doesn’t mind big dogs in their homes when I visit!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

1st Day at the New School

Class went, well....ok, on Monday night.  There were about a dozen dogs in the class and four trainers.  We did so much in one hour!  Zuzu never would have kept up six weeks ago when we began her first puppy class.  We learned heel, sit, stay, and down.  Sort of.
Only one person was allowed in the ring with each dog at a time, so Jim and I took turns with her.  Jim began with walking her and learning where she should be in a ‘heel’, and then they worked on sit.  She was pretty distracted, but did okay.  She was even starting to sit for him each time he stopped walking.
Then it was my turn.  The walking was going great, and she even sat for me.  Then it was time to learn down.  They gave us two ways to do down after a sit, with our dog next to us.  One was to pull her down with her collar, and the other way was to have her in a sit, hold her collar with your left hand, and scoop her front legs out from under her gently while saying, “Down.”  Zuzu has been laying down on command for two or three weeks now, but I figured I’d try the second method.  
Now, if any of you have a pre-teenage girl, you’ll understand exactly what I mean when I say that as soon as I scooped Zu’s legs and said, "down", she looked at me with that, “Oh NO, you DI...INT!!!!” expression on her face.  Yeah.  I pissed her off something fierce!
She sat right back up and locked both of her knees.  Locked them so tightly that they bent backwards and looked at me with “I dare you,” written all over her face.  Then looked away with her nose sticking up in the air.  I still have not gotten her to lay down again, unless I have a treat.  She just locks those little stubborn little knees and sits.
The rest of the class went okay.  Jim took over in a little bit, and though she wouldn’t lay down for him either, she did all of the sit-stay drills really well.
We’ve been practicing pretty consistently since that class, and Jim has managed to get her to lay down without a treat once.  I still have not.  I apparently crossed the Zuzu-line and I have a lot of making up to do before she forgives me!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

More Play Time - this time with Friends!

 Zuzu loves Saturday mornings, when we go for walks and stop by the field to see if any of her friends are there.  I think she has a small puppy crush on Mogul, the giant Yugoslavian Shepherd who just had his first birthday last weekend.
They play and play and he lets her jump all over him, while he wiggles and wags his tail and slobbers all over her.

Look, ma!  I have a FRIEND!!

Benny, the Bernese joins in the fun.  Benny is three.  Monty, in the background, is eight years old and just kind of hangs out and watches all of the craziness from a distance.

Time to go home, get a quick wash, and take a nap!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Fair

Since when did this become the norm in my house?

Zuzu's Lunch:  A scoop of dry food with a chopped up hard boiled egg, shredded grilled salmon, and goat's milk

My Lunch:  A cold leftover piece of pepperoni pizza

Maybe that's why she's so much prettier than me and has so much more energy too!  :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Puppy PT

This was really cute when she was eight weeks old.  It's making PT more challenging at four months.  I can't wait to see how many sit ups and push ups Jim can do when she's full grown!!

Puppy Push Ups

Puppy Sit Ups

Puppy weight training with kisses

Puppy Evaluation

Lacrosse practice was moved for one night to the middle of the Stanford campus, so I knew there was no way I was going to get the kids home and get to Rengsdorf Park by 7pm, so Jim took her earlier on his own.
He said she was a maniac! There were tons of dogs, people, kids, music, ice cream cart bells, and even the CalTrain going by.  She wouldn't even take a treat!  When she met the head trainer it was no better.  He called and asked me to stop by the park and meet with the head trainer too and watch part of a class with him.
Tressa and I stopped on the way home from lacrosse. The park is big and pretty and was full of people. There were three dog training classes going on - one beginning and two ‘open’ classes (advanced classes for show dogs, I think). The dogs were amazing!
The beginning class had about a dozen dogs, with one head instructor and three helpers, and the dogs were all walking right next to their owners, stopping when they stopped, slowing down, speeding up, turning left and right, and sitting, all when they were supposed to, without treats!  It was pretty impressive and exactly where I’d like Zuzu to be while walking.
Then I met Rosalie, the head trainer. What a fascinating woman! She grew up on a farm and was training farm animals to do tricks when she was a little girl.  She began training dogs when she was a young mother in the 50's, and didn’t agree with the way a trainer was telling her to train her Doberman pup.  He pinched its ear and hit it to get it to pick up a dumbbell. She hollered at him to never hit her dog and he replied, “Fine.  You try to train her.”  She took the Doberman home, trained it to fetch the dumbbell, and brought her back to the dog trainer a week later to show him.  Since then, she has trained police and narcotics dogs in addition to family pets and show dogs.  She and her husband, a retired fireman, run the program.  The program’s website is at, if anyone wants to check it out.
Jim and I have mixed emotions about their training methods, only because it’s different from how we have been training Zuzu.  Rosalie told Jim that Zuzu has basically learned nothing and needs to start over.  She said we have been bribing her to behave, which doesn’t work if she’s distracted.  That irritated Jim quite a bit, since we have worked with Zuzu so much on our own and have seen so much growth from her.  Plus, we think she’s super-awesome-amazing, even if she wouldn’t behave in a new park with all new distractions.  But, Rosalie did have a point.  Our biggest problem is that while Zuzu was always the star of her last class, the park can be a challenge.
So, we are going with the beginning class.  Jim will take her, and I will join them with Tressa after lax practice as soon as we can get there.  Our first class is next Monday night at 6:30.
We won’t get home until about 8pm....anyone have any good crock pot recipes?!  :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Graduate

Isn't it funny how, no matter how much true puppy mischief Zuzu has in her, she always manages to be on her very best behavior in class?  Jim says she should wear a sign around her neck that says 'Will Work for Food."

All we had to do for the final class was demonstrate everything that our dog had learned then show one trick, if we had one.  Zuzu did everything amazingly, and was the only dog with a trick to show. I picked "shake" to work on this week, because any time she gets impatient, she paws at me, so it was an easy transition.  And she did it easily for Jim as he was demonstrating.   Then, Helena showed me how to get her to "sit pretty" (up on her hind legs) and "roll over".  It was fun!

At the end of class, we had to trade dogs and walk around the store for 10 minutes, working on everything we had learned, then report to the class how the puppy performed.

We got a crazy, adorable little lab puppy named Jax. I have never seen a puppy wiggle as much as he did! Even when he was sitting, his little body just shook with happiness! He did really well. 

Budha's owner had Zuzu. Budha is a cute little pug and his owner is a big, strong, young guy. They kind of don't match, but they work well together.  When he got back and Helena asked what it was like having Zuzu for a few minutes, he answered, "Oh my goodness - she is amazing! She walked fine, sat, laid down, even rolled over and sat up for me!"

(I behaved. I didn't holler at him that she is ours and he can NOT have her. But, I wanted to!)

Tonight she is being tested for a new class. I am as nervous as I would imagine a parent would be, trying to get a child into a prestigious preschool!  This class was started by a local trainer, who used to be a police dog trainer and has been recommended to me by most of the doggy parents that I have met that have amazingly well-behaved big dogs.  They also run the class in a public park, so there should be lots more dogs and distractions, which Zuzu really needs.

I am trying to get Zuzu into their intermediate class.  This is for two reasons... first because I don't want her to have to repeat stuff she has already learned, and second, because Tressa's lacrosse practice is at the same time as the beginner class. The hard part is, this group of trainers won't even let puppies sign up for the beginner class until they're four months old, and to get into the intermediate class you have to have passed THEIR beginner class. They have agreed to look at Zuzu and consider an exception to their rules.

If it doesn't work, it will be back to PetSmart and Helena for intermediate training!  Either way is okay, but I will be praying hard that tonight goes okay. God's Will will prevail.  And probably a little of Zuzu's will as well! :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Extra Tall Gate with Cat Door

Well, we thought the new gate would work really well.  Apparently we need a "CATZ ONLY - No DAWGS Allowed" sign by the door.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

More Antics

Yesterday, Jim and I decided to drop Zuzu off after the first mile and do a second mile on our own.  We asked the kids to watch her, and luckily, they were watching well.

First, Darby and her friend played with Zuzu outside in the backyard, then decided to let her in with Tressa.  Zuzu started running around the family room, and jumped up on the kitchen counter and knocked a glass off the counter!  Luckily, she knocked it off away from her, into the kitchen rather than into the family room where she was standing.

The kids immediately grabbed her, crated her, and vacuumed up the glass, but left her crated until I got home to check the floor.  They missed quite a few pieces that I cleaned up, but I was so thankful that they reacted that quickly!

It was so much better than when Koshka was a kitten and broke a glass decanter.  After she broke it, she continued to jump on the broken glass, tearing her tendon.  Not only did she bleed all over the house, she cost us several hundred dollars at the vet.  

One glass is a small price to pay!

Of course today, Tressa comes up to me with this mess...

and says, "Mommy, I have now learned to never EVER leave one of my books unattended near Zuzu!"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dog Days of Spring?

I'm an East Coast girl at heart, but that doesn't mean I don't feel blessed to be in California this year.

Zuzu, on the other hand, would really rather be back in the cold. She loves nice cool weather. She has energy; she can run, play, and frolic for hours!

And, when she can do that all day, she stays a little more balanced.

In this California 'heat', and I use that term loosely, because there's 0% humidity, so it's not really that hot, she is nothing but a lump in the shade. She gets SO lazy! Even walks are a chore for her. I'm not sure how she's going to survive Virginia this summer!

What's even worse than the laziness though, is what the laziness creates. It creates a CRAZY DOG! As soon as it starts to cool down, she has to get a full day's worth of energy and mischief out! Hoses and gardens BEWARE! Fingers and bottoms BEWARE! Clothing and TV remotes BEWARE!  And don't even think you can take her on a relaxing walk. Pull pull tug tug sniff sniff RUN! And train? Forget about it. What's a sit good for anyway?

So now, as she lazily naps in the shade, waking up occasionally to go lap up some cool water, I am resting right along with her. Maybe then I'll have the energy to keep up with her as the sun starts to go down!