Monday, December 31, 2012

Air Kisses

Zuzu has a strange new habit.... Air kisses!

And these aren't like those polite, three in a row, close to your cheek kisses that you see French people do on TV.

These are where she jumps up on her hind legs to greet visitors, and literally touches her mouth to theirs!

I've tried to analyze this (as I always do) and this is all that I can figure out:

1- She's not allowed to jump and put her paws on anyone, so by leaving her paws by her side, perhaps she thinks this type of jump is 'acceptable'.

2 - I always kiss Jim when he gets home, so maybe she thinks that's what she is supposed to do.

Either way, if we have someone new over to the house that is not used to big dogs, this can be a terrifying experience!  My 70+ year old mother-in-law was not okay with it.  On the other hand, the high schoolers seem completely amused.  :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Gun Control

Unlike most of the country, which seems to have very strong opinions one way or another, I am pretty middle of the road on gun control. I also understand that not every person loves dogs.  I don't understand why they don't, but they don't.  And, if they don't love dogs, they should not own them.  That being said, this is meant as humor, not political opinion.

"My top ten reasons why dogs are better than guns"

1.  Guns are no fun to cuddle with, won't greet me happily when I come home, and won't help me get exercise.

2.  I can sleep soundly at night while my dogs keep watch.

3.  A dog will know there is an intruder before I do, and long before I would have a gun ready to defend myself.

4.  No one would dare come near me with the intent to do me harm if I have my dogs; there is no such guarantee with a concealed weapon.

5.  Though I am a good shot, I do not know if I could hit someone in a panic situation.  My dogs won't miss.

6.  My dogs will never hurt the wrong person on accident.

7.  My dogs could not be stolen and used in a robbery.

8.  My dogs could never be used by anyone in my family to harm themselves.

9.  If one of my children went insane, he or she could not bring my dogs to school and force them to hurt other children or teachers.

10.  My dogs would give their lives to protect my family and me, and they would do it with love.

Photo Update

Zee got to attend a breed familiarization event!

Zuzu waiting for her dinner to be made

An autumn walk around Lake Mercer

Zee's birthday

Zee even got a sweater for his birthday

Fall Lacrosse

Zuzu does more dog with Darby!

I learn to walk them together.  By myself.

We survived a power outage.

Nana with both dogs.

Darby waiting for Zee to get picked up for his super-fun trip to NC over Thanksgiving!

Zuzu caught with glitter on her nose.

Ready for the Army Navy football game.

Zuzu with her Christmas sweater.


Cuddling with her soldier daddy.

Zee's Christmas scarf is ready.

Zee wearing his scarf.

Helping with homework.