The visit is getting better each day. I've been challenging them with more difficult food sharings as we progress.
Wednesday, there was a rawhide on the floor. That didn't go so well, but instead of attacking, Zuzu only barked furiously at Zee's face and was pulled away easily while the rawhide was removed.
Yesterday, we did more pupperoni 'sharing'. As long as I have them sitting before the bag is open, they behave appropriately and each took their treat.
Then, the big challenge was dinner last night. I fed them both outside....turkey and dry food in separate bowls, and though they ate quicker than normal, there was no fighting. Yay!
Last night in front of the TV I even ate my cheese and crackers and wine. Other than realizing that Zee is a little whiny when he begs, they did fine. Jim finally gave him a piece of cheese and he settled down. I was mean and refused to share!
Zee is fascinated by Koshka, but he doesn't want to scare her away like Zuzu does. He stands super still, staying quiet and just watching. Even if Koo hisses, he just watches. Most of the time it's through the cat door, on opposite sides of the screen on the porch, or through glass, but I could actually see them becoming friends.
Koshka is thoroughly enjoying having Zee here to play with Zu, because Zu is mostly leaving her alone. I've seen more of Koshka this week than any other time since we moved to Virginia.
Zee is not used to being able to wander around a house. I love when the dogs are near me though, so if they ask to come in, I let them. Zee now comes in, patiently stands in the doorway as I put his belly band on, then happily prances after Zuzu.
I only allow him on one floor at a time. The only 'accident' that he has had was after Jim and I had gotten back from a dinner function and he ran down into the basement looking for Tressa without us realizing that we had left the basement door open. He came bounding back up with a full belly band.
It took him a couple of days to realize that he could lay down in the house if he wasn't in his kitchen-corner too. He would pace and pace and play with Zu and pace some more. Finally, he slept! Now he only paces for a bit, seeing how far I am letting him wander each time and where the gates (or chairs) have been placed, then he lays down. He likes Zuzu's bed in the TV room that she never uses. It's too small for him though, so he looks a little silly on it!