Friday, March 23, 2012


I may not have my beautiful California roses here in Virginia, but I do have some pretty tulips and daffodils this spring.

Wait....why do I have a row of flat tulips?

Oh, because Zuzu thinks they're "comfortable".  

I caught her napping on them!  I didn't get a picture of that though, because I was too busy yelling "GET OFF THE TULIPS!!" (a command that all dogs learn in puppy kindergarden, right?) to pull out my phone and take a picture.  She got up slowly, shook herself off, and started running around the yard, using the flowers as her new agility course.

Oh well, they were pretty while they lasted.  :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dog Friendly Cable Guy

Finally, someone came to our house that loves dogs and let Zu follow him around everywhere!  I took these with my phone when he didn't know it.  I'm sneaky like that.

She's helping with the WiFi/Modem installation here.


He loved her, but it became increasingly difficult to do his job when she wanted to be directly in between him and whatever he was working on.

We let her back in when he was trying to teach me how everything worked.  Other than trying to be the center of attention the entire time, she did really really well!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Darby and I took Zuzu outside and blew bubbles for her this afternoon.  She loved it!

She sees another bubble!

Bubbles are Yummy!!!

 Bubbles make your tongue too heavy to keep in your mouth.

I missed it!

So, I get home from the lacrosse parent meeting last night and I asked Darby where her father was.

"Taking a shower with Zuzu."

Haha!  I wish I had seen that.  He said it went well, and the glass doors kept her trapped inside.  She's definitely clean and fluffy now.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

And Walking Some More

One of the reasons that I got a big dog is that I love to walk.  I could walk all day.  My old dog, Snickers, could not.    I would do one lap around a block with him, drop him off, and then head out for my real walk.

Zuzu loves to walk.  And walking with Zuzu is always an adventure.

As she has gotten older, her walking style has changed over and over again, but as soon as I think that the adventures are over, she proves me wrong.

For a little while, during the cold, she began to walk as if she was in a daydream.  She was so slow, just plodding along, looking at the sky, like she was an eighty year old woman.  I remember thinking two things:  one, I am never going to get any real exercise ever again and two, it's freakin' COLD, dog, come ON!

Then, it started to get warm and the birds came.  She went back to prancing and looking around everywhere and sniffing and jumping and the leash became a sling shot once again.

One day, Darby and I thought it would be fun if she walked her to the bus stop to meet her friends.  Darby has started taking a later bus down the other end of the street, so Tressa had already gone to the early bus five minutes prior, and Darby and I headed out to her bus.  Zuzu loved it!  She was so happy meeting the kids!  As more children began to show up, she seemed to be getting a little too exited, so I took her and we crossed the street, just before the bus started driving down the road.  When Zu saw the bus, she panicked.  I think she is truly convinced that the big yellow school bus eats all of the kids every morning.  She tried so hard to run away!  It was big and loud and so so scary!  

She calmed down once the bus pulled away, but we'll wait a bit before we try that again.

Our next big adventure was today.  I have no idea what got into her.  Both girls took the later bus this morning, so Zuzu watched them walk away and cried and cried.  I waited until I was sure the bus would be gone, then we headed out on our walk.  She would NOT behave.  She wanted to race in the direction that the girls had walked.  She would pull on her leash and leap forward, and I would tell her no and make her sit. Then, when I said, "Heel", she would leap forward again and try to run.  I turned her around to walk the other way and when she seemed calm I would turn back around and she would, again, leap and try to run.  This went on for a few minutes and I just couldn't get her to walk normally.  

We went home and we were sitting on the front porch as I was trying to get my keys out of my pocket when I realized that giving up would not get us anywhere.  It was not like I could explain to her that her time-out and missing her walk was due to her behavior.  Nope.  Bringing her in would just leave both of us frustrated, and I didn't really want a giant, temper-tantrum having dog locked in my house.

So, we went back out.  Slowly.  We struggled all of the way to the bus stop.  Sit.  Heel.  Backwards.  Sit.  Heel.  SIT!  HEEL!  Good girl.   NO!  SIT!!!!  

Deep breath.

Amazingly, when she saw that there were no children and there was no bus on the corner, she calmed down a little.  (No crap, dog!  It took us thirty minutes to get here; the kids are probably already sitting in their first period class, trying not to fall asleep.)

She did great down the first street until she saw the cutest little poodle puppy.  I have to admit, even I wanted to play with the poodle puppy, but not today.  We kept walking, but she went back to bounding and wagging and wiggling as we said hi from across the street.  Then as we walked away, she bent herself into a U shape so that she could walk forward, but still look back at the puppy.  She almost ran smack into three mailboxes.  It might have been animal cruelty, but I was totally going to let her run into each and every one of them, but she managed to turn around just in time.

After that, the walk turned amazing.  I was cold, so I put my hands in my coat pockets, still holding onto the leash in both hands.  She walked right next to me, with the leash loose, the rest of the way.  If she got in front or behind me, she self corrected.  When I stopped at an intersection, she slowed right down with me and sat beside me.  It was so cool!  I felt like I was out for a stroll and my trusty wolf was by my side, just because she chose to be.

Did I mention that I love walking?

Doggy Door

We have a screened in back porch that Zuzu loves to hang out in.  The first few months that we lived here, she was afraid of the screen door that could swing open with a nose push, but would swing back towards her before she could sneak out.  We even tried to bribe her with steak at one point to teach her to let herself out.  It didn't work.

Soon, however, that changed.  She figured out that if she pushed just the screen part with her nose, she could detach the screen from the door and fit through it without anything swinging back towards her.

Jim fixed that with plexiglass, and we were good for a while.  Then Zu's nose got even stronger.  She realized that if she pushed REALLY hard, she could break the plexiglass off the door one piece at a time. She worked on it for about a month, then eventually made a new doggy door.

So, we had to come up with a new plan.  First, we had to find a doggy proof door.  Second, we need to get her an actual doggy door that works.

Here is a photo of what we had.  The screen door was broken by Zu, the doggy door has never been functional.  It is capped in front and is screened over in back.

Here is Zuzu's home made doggy door.

Here's the new door, with a reinforced metal bottom.  It went up on Sunday and for nearly two whole days it's been Zuzu-proof.  The doggy door will be fixed this next weekend.  Does anyone have any predictions on whether or not the door will last for an entire week?


I remember when people used to ask me if Estrelas shed a lot and I responded with, "I've heard that they can during season changes, but Zuzu never seems too."

Hmmm.....the seasons must be changing.  This was about five minutes worth of brushing one morning.