Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why am I surprised?

We've had our house decorated for Christmas for over a week now.  It was fun decorating a new house.

Isn't it pretty?  I even bought all new candles for the windows!  (Has anyone already figured out where this story is headed?!)

When I left for the grocery store today, this is what I left:
She LOVES her rawhides, but rarely chews them when I'm gone.

This is what I came home to:

They're battery operated, so strangely, they still light up.  With enough duct tape, they might still look pretty from the outside.  ;)  Good thing I'm not expecting any more company INSIDE the house!


Several hours later, after my amazing husband came home from work.....

No duct tape needed, and from this distance, you can't even see the teeth marks!  :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Irony, or just a waste of money?

I've always struggled with the definition of irony.  I know Alanis Morissette got it all wrong in her song, but I still struggle with what is right.

So, my question for the day is, does this picture demonstrate irony?

Do I really need to pay for ADT when I have this laying at my front door?

Zuzu says it's not irony, it's just a waste of money.  She says she's got us covered in the security arena.

Crazy Busy

One of the biggest problems with super busy months (like December) is that sooo many things happen, and there's no time to settle down and contemplate (or blog) any of it.

So, we're going to do a type of photo journal this morning, trying to get a couple of stories out there.

The first is called "Cooperation".

So, wait - WHY are we sitting here?

Shhhh....just be patient cat, and trust me.  They will come.

Dude!  How did she KNOW?  Hmmm...what else does she know?!  I could be in big trouble.

The cooperation continued, much to our dismay.  Their next group effort was a planned attack at 5am on a Saturday morning!  I don't know how they did it, but I'm convinced they counted to three together using animal ESP and both pounced on the bed at the same time.  Koshka jumped right onto Jim's chest and Zuzu slammed her nose into my face.  Jim grabbed the cat, threw her out of the bedroom, and slammed the door.  He gave Zuzu a glare, and crawled back into bed.  I just sat there and tried to breath again.  The house stayed quiet until almost 7:30 that morning!

"Another visit from Nana and Pop Pop"

If anyone in the world could come close to Tressa as one of Zuzu's favorites, it would have to be Pop Pop.  They returned last weekend for the Army/Navy game that was being held in D.C. this year.

Waiting for the school bus together.  (Yup - she can train more than just a cat!)

One of their favorite games is playing tag, running around the house in circles.  I happened to have my phone handy for this one, so we have a little low quality video to back it up.

"Torturing Animals"

This is how we torture the dog and squirrels at the same time.  It would be too easy to simply feed the wild animals, we have to make them work for it.  The dog is not allowed outside if the squirrel is eating, so it tortures poor Zuzu as well.

Yes.  It is indeed, corn, on a bungee!

"New Veterinarian"

Nana came with us to our new veterinarian.  It's right at the end of our street, so we got to walk there, which is super convenient.  It's big and clean and pretty, and they charge me too much money, but I really like it.  I had taken Koshka there before, but it was Zuzu's first time since I was waiting to use up everything I had already paid for at Banfield before I changed.  (I'm cheap like that!)

Zuzu is still afraid of the scale.  It took a lot of tugging and sweet-talking to get her onto the moving platform, but she weighed in at 85 lbs.

Her vet was Dr. Berkshire, who was really nice and really pretty and likes big dogs and just moved to DC from the west coast.  She spent a lot of time with Zuzu and even let her lean up against me while she was checking her out.  Eventually, she even got Zuzu to walk forward to her some.

She said that Zu's weight was perfect, because she thinks it's always better to keep dogs lean.  She didn't harass me about not getting her spayed and even talked about breeding and showing.  She recommended that I don't wait much longer to get Zuzu into her first conformation show because she said that Zu and I both need to learn how to behave in shows while she is still young.

She did say that she wanted me to watch one of her front ankles that seemed to bend in farther than the other.  She said it might have just been the way that she was standing, or it could just be some uneven growing, but to keep an eye on it.

Zuzu got her Bordetella shot and some more heartworm pills, and we headed out.  We go back in March.

"Army Navy Football"

Our family has been a longtime supporter of Army football, no matter how bad the season.  It's pretty easy to understand that once you realize that five of us attended West Point.  In fact, my dad is so old that I'm pretty sure he's one of the first graduates ever!  ;)

So it should also be easy to understand that if the game is being played in Washington, DC, that some of us would gather to attend.

See, the buttons prove that he's been to a lot of games.

With all of that in mind, it should also be easy to understand that our animals MUST be fans as well.
Doesn't she look beautiful in her Army scarf?

I think she was more proud wearing that around than she was wearing her birthday scarf.  And she got even more compliments on it!  There are a few military people that live in our neighborhood and now they all want beautiful scarves for their doggies too.  (Of course, Zuzu's Golden Retriever friend's parents weren't agreeing with me that it had to say Army.  Some silly people think their dogs should wear scarves that say Navy.  Why would anyone do that to a harmless animal?  Oh, the shame, the SHAME!)

Zuzu had her biggest challenge ever that Saturday though.  She had to stay home alone for quite a long time.  The local high school football team made it to the State Championship game that weekend, so the neighbor girl that we were going to ask to let her out for us had to go perform in the band as a flag girl.  We left late so we missed the pregame activities, and took her on an extra long walk that morning, but she was still alone from noon until after 10pm.  Not that I will ever ask her to do that again for us, but she was perfect!  She got another long walk when we got home.

She paid me back the next day though.  As I was cleaning up the house, I put stuff on the stairs to bring up to the bedroom and left it there for a few minutes.  When I got back, she was in the dining room, happily eating my little black purse that I bring to formals.  It was DESTROYED!  :(  I guess she wasn't ready to forgive me after all.

"The Fire"

We had fireplaces in California, but it was never quite cold enough to light one.  So, when Jim stoked up our first fire on Sunday night, it was fun to watch Zuzu's reaction.  She watched it for quite a while before she settled down.

"What IS this sorcery?!"

It might be dark magic, but so far, I'm okay with it!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!

Today was my birthday.  I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it was something great, because Mommy kept singing to me and telling me about "presents".  I was excited and didn't want to wait until Daddy got home!

Mommy let me put my pretty birthday scarf on early, so that I could wear it all day.  I'm going to wear it tomorrow too, so the whole neighborhood can see how beautiful I am, now that I'm one.

Darby gave me a cake.  I love Darby!

It was weird.  And hard.  But, the yogurt icing was fun to lick.  Mommy said she got it at a special doggy bakery for me.  Next time, I want to go and pick my own cake.  (I'll pick something steak flavored, but don't tell Mommy.)

Tressa broke the cake into pieces for me so that I could actually eat some of it.  It wasn't bad after all.  I'll get more this weekend.  Mommy wouldn't let me have it all at once.  Something about their last dog having Di-just-ing problems with boutique treats from a different bakery, because he ate too much.  I don't know what those problems are, but they don't sound like fun.  Especially on my birthday.

Tressa gave me a pink tough chew toy!  It squeaked.  I heard it squeaking before when Daddy got home from work and I came to see and Darby and Tressa started yelling at him and told him to wait until after dinner.  I thought he was getting presents too!

Then, I got the best present of all!  I do so very much love Tressa!  Happy birthday to me.  Bye now.

From Kodi (Zuzu's brother):

 I got a new tug toy and am looking forward to a special chicken breast dinner tonight. Tomorrow I am going to Santa Paws for a photo with Santa followed by another special steak dinner. Then on Sunday my favorite of all, a long hike off lead in the High Sierras in the snow with Keiko and Mom and Dad. It is fun being a birthday boy.

I have a new fun thing to do. Every night before bed I get my favorite tug and play tug with mom. She says I beat her up but it is so much fun. Dad isn’t so much fun because he won’t let me win so he doesn’t get to play with me. After tug with mom, dad takes me and Keiko out for a “potty” walk and then we get to check out all my fenced territory and we all bark, bark bark to tell the bad guys we are watching. There is a jack rabbit that really makes me mad. Every night after 10 he comes and hops around then goes and drinks at our water trough. Dad doesn’t think he is a threat and doesn’t care for my barking at him but I know he just shouldn’t be there.


From Echo (one of Zuzu's other brothers):

kodi, do you think anyone would know if i ran away and lived in your basement,,,wait, do you have a basement? you could sneak me food and stuff.

i didn't get anything special for my birthday, she grabbed my cheeks this morning and called me a big boy, but she still laughs at the way I go potty, because it's like our mom, I guess. I don't see any difference in it. She won't let me bark bark bark, i just get going good and she ruins all my fun. what is a jack rabbit? i am sure i would love to chase one. i can help you guard, it sounds like you're busy.

your brother echo